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  • What We Do

    For over 70 years, Local 264 has fought for working-class families, advocating for fair wages, safe workplaces, and equal rights. We stand strong for our members in workplace, academic, and professional settings, ensuring their voices are heard and their rights are protected. Together, we build a better future.

    Who We Are

    Our staff is made up of hardworking men and women who know workers’ rights. Our E-Board has more than 40 years of combined experience standing up to employers.

    Who We Represent

    We represent workers in security, facilities, and food service. These hardworking individuals are essential to keeping operations running smoothly, and we are dedicated to fighting for their rights, fair treatment, and better opportunities.

    In times of challenge and change, unity is our greatest strength. As members of this union, we represent a collective force that stands for fairness, dignity, and respect for all workers. Today, more than ever, it’s crucial for us to come together, raise our voices, and ensure that our concerns, ideas, and aspirations are heard loud and clear.

    Why Our Voice Matters

    Unions exist because individuals like us recognize that together, we are stronger. Our collective voice has the power to:

    • Advocate for Fair Wages and Benefits: Every worker deserves to be compensated fairly for their hard work and dedication.
    • Secure Safe Working Conditions: Our health and safety should always be a priority.
    • Promote Equality and Inclusion: Discrimination and bias have no place in our workplaces or communities.
    • Protect Our Rights: We must safeguard the rights we have fought so hard to achieve and ensure they are upheld for future generations.

    What We Stand For

    Our union is built on the foundation of solidarity. We stand for:

    • Transparent communication between workers and management.
    • Equal opportunities for growth and development.
    • Accountability at all levels.
    • A workplace culture that values respect, integrity, and collaboration.

    How You Can Help

    1. Participate: Attend union meetings, voice your opinions, and share your ideas. Every perspective matters.
    2. Engage: Stay informed about issues affecting our union and industry. Knowledge is power.
    3. Advocate: Spread awareness about the importance of our union and the causes we stand for.
    4. Support: Encourage fellow members to stay involved and united.

    Together, We Can Make a Difference

    Change doesn’t happen in silence—it happens when we take a stand and speak out. Let’s commit to being active participants in shaping our future. Whether it’s through attending meetings, engaging in discussions, or supporting initiatives, every action counts.

    It’s time to show the strength of our union and the power of our unity. Let’s ensure that our voice is not only heard but also respected and acted upon.

    Join us in making a difference—because together, we are unstoppable.

Transport Worker Union Local 264
Barnard College, 3009 Broadway
New York, NY 10027
  212 222 1394

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